Animal control impounded our client’s 12-year-old dog on a suspicion of animal abuse. Due to the pandemic and the inability of the Courts to hold jury trials, the dog remained in impound for over 7 months. Desperate to reunite with the dog he rescued 11 years prior, our client waived his right to a jury trial and Todd tried the case to the Court. Todd successfully showed that the dog’s poor health was related to a medical condition, and that our client was diligently treating the medical condition with the assistance of medical professionals. Following a 1-day trial, the Judge announced the verdict of not guilty. The judge also commended our client for his efforts to treat his dog’s health conditions, ordered animal control to refund all impound fees, and ordered animal control to release the dog back to our client immediately. Less than an hour after trial, our client and his best friend were back together again. Our client’s mom wrote, “Words cannot express my gratitude. For the joy you brought my son, may that joy be returned to you triple fold for reuniting a young man with the love of his life. God bless you.” Donna
Protecting The Rights Of Our Clients With
Tenacity And Dedication